Model rules of admission to the 10th grade in the field of natural sciences

Model rules of admission to the 10th grade in the field of natural sciences

Children’s electrical injuries and their prevention

Children’s electrical injuries and their prevention

Damage in the human body, from the effects of external factors, we call in one word – trauma.
Childhood injury is a big problem that can fundamentally change the lives of both parents and children.
According to statistics, injuries mainly occur in children of primary school age (7-11 years old). Boys are injured much more often (70%) than girls.
Injury is one of the leading causes of death in children over the age of three. More children die from accidents in the world than from various infections.
There are not so many main causes of childhood injuries:
The main one is the carelessness of adults, who believe that nothing terrible can happen in specific cases.
The second is the negligence of adults who improperly perform their duties, be they officials or parents of children.
In addition, the level of child injury is greatly influenced by the discipline of the children themselves.
The Department of the Committee for Atomic and Energy Supervision and Control in Nur-Sultan city in this article will highlight some issues of the prevention of children’s injuries from electric current.
Dangerous current
First of all, you need to understand the causes of electric shock. Usually people think that 10 kV (10,000 volt) equipment is much more dangerous than 220 volts. But this is a misconception. In fact, the damaging factor of an electric current depends on its strength, and not on voltage. Therefore, almost any household appliance can be deadly. A current of more than 10 mA (0.01 amperes) can produce a strong, painful shock, and currents from 100 to 200 mA (0.1 to 0.2 amperes) can already be fatal!
In this case, you need to know that with a current strength above 10 milliamperes, muscle contractions are so strong that the victim can no longer let go of the wire that shocks him. With a current of more than 20 milliamps, breathing becomes difficult and stops completely at a current of about 100 mA.
Prevention of child injuries from electrical injuries

Child injury and its prevention is a very important and serious problem, especially during school holidays.
Above we talked about the causes of electrical injuries. This is, first of all, not the well-being of the external environment, negligence, neglect of adults, careless, improper behavior of a child in everyday life, on the street. The psychological characteristics of children also contribute to the occurrence of injuries: curiosity, great mobility, emotionality, lack of life experience, and hence the absence of a sense of danger.
It is necessary to prevent these risks and by all possible means to protect them from them.
The work should go constantly in two directions:

  1. Elimination of the possibility of electrical injury;
  2. Regularly conducting classes for children on the main methods of preventing children’s electrical injuries.
    Particular attention should be paid to any existing electrical installations (power lines, substations, equipment, regardless of voltage class) located in the immediate vicinity of residential areas, educational facilities, sports, construction sites, in entrances and basements of residential buildings, etc. etc., as well as household appliances.
    Children should know that:

It is very dangerous to touch transformer and distribution substations, go inside them, as well as climb onto the roof;
It is very dangerous to touch and approach fallen and broken stripped wires of cable and overhead power lines;
It is very dangerous to touch bare wires that carry electricity;
It is very dangerous to check the presence of electric current in appliances or wires with your fingers;
It is very dangerous to pinch the wires with doors, window frames, fix the wires on nails so as not to damage the insulation and there are no short circuits (flames);
It is necessary to ensure that electrical wires do not come into contact with radiators, water pipes, telephone and radio transmission wires;
Do not allow children to play at sockets, stick pins, pins into them, pull wires, as this can lead to serious consequences;
It is strictly forbidden to use household electrical appliances, through the body of which current flows (the device “bites”). When turning the devices on and off, the plug must be taken by the plastic box, and not by the wire;
It is also necessary to ensure that the cords removed from the devices do not remain connected to the power outlet, because if they are accidentally touched, an electric shock is possible;
Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended by adults, including chargers for cell phones and gadgets.
Parents should not shift the responsibility for child injury to teachers, and the correct behavior of children depends on you.
Childhood injuries are a serious problem and only joint efforts can protect children from harm.
(Materials taken from open sources)

Territorial Department of the Committee for Atomic and Energy Supervision and Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the city of Nur-Sultan

Экскурсия в Центр оперативного управления  МВД РК

Экскурсия в Центр оперативного управления МВД РК

31 мая 2019 года в  преддверии  Дня защиты детей   и в целях  повышения правовой грамотности  несовершеннолетних,   учащиеся  7  «В»  класса  школы-лицея №59 вместе с классным руководителем  Нуртолеу М.Г. посетили Центр оперативного управления  МВД РК.

Экскурсия была организована   сотрудниками отделения ювенальной полиции  УП района Есиль  под руководством  ОЮП  УМПС ДП города Нур-Султан .  Группу учащихся  сопровождала  лейтенант полиции  Назымбек  Жанайым   Бауыржановна.

         Во время экскурсии ребята узнали,    что системы видеонаблюдения  контролируют не только автомагистрали, но и соблюдение  общественного порядка во дворах, парках и других популярных местах отдыха горожан, позволяют сразу же устанавливать нарушителей порядка.

Экскурсия учащимся очень понравилась, они   узнали  о   работе сотрудников  Центра оперативного управления  МВД РК, обеспечивающих  покой и порядок в нашем городе.  

По окончании экскурсии   учащимся подарили буклеты о музее МВД  РК.